Good governance)
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10 Issue 44 Statistical Year Book 2016 95 عونلاو ةيسنلجا بسح يموكلحا عاطقلا اوفظوم4 - 2 96 2015 عونلاو ةجردلاو ةيسنلجا بسح ةيندلما ةمدلخا وفظوم4 - 3 98 عونلاو ةيسنلجاو ةيموكلحا تادحولا بسح ةيندلما ةمدلخا وفظوم4 -
Jinan University is located in the capital of the North of Lebanon, Tripoli. Nevertheless, the university attracts students from all Lebanon including Beirut. This encouraged the university administration to work hard to open new classrooms in Sidon. The university took this initiative to help the students evade the fatigue of travel and the ...
The central organ of the statistics in the Ministry of planning the first meetings by video conference system. The meeting headed by Dr. Dhiaa Awaad Khadum head of the CSO/acting Mr. Fakhri, Hamid Jaber, Director General for technical affairs/agency Mr. Qusay Abdel Fatt.
1 The acquisition and loss of Swiss citizenship are governed by the law in force at the time that the relevant circumstances occurred. 2 Applications made before this Act comes into force shall be processed in accordance with the previous law applicable up to .
The roads and transport authority website is an online gate for all online services for Dubai traffic, fines, licensing, public transport, nol and transport business. Dubai RTA's vision is .
The National E-learning University is pleased to announce a new electronic mechanism to receive suggestions and complaints from students, parents, and others in order to meet the needs of its students and raise the level of customer satisfaction.
4 - من حفظ كلمات المصحف من التحريف بتنقيطه نقط إعراب. التدرج التاريخي لوضع النقاط في الكتابة العربية كان على قسمين أولـهما ( نقط الإعراب ) بأن توضح نقاط على الأحرف تميّز حركة إعرابـها كوضع نقطة في موضع معين على الحرف عوضا ...
دردشة (محادثة حية): من الساعة 12 صباحًا إلى الساعة 8 مساءً من الاثنين إلى السبت. والأحد من الساعة 12 صباحًا إلى الساعة 3 مساءً بتوقيت المحيط الهادئ (الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية)
Sab Al-Salem Kuwait University City Issuing the decree by the Law No. 30 has provided Kuwait University the opportunity to achieve the vision of Kuwaitis to establish a University City with integrated facilities with all University Colleges within one campus.
Advanced Search. Search. Sections. Theme Sector. Title * Search Save Search. Sort by Relevance Sort by Date Sort by Title Sort by Module. Youth Preferring Extended Families (%) It is an indicator that demonstrates the proportion of Omani youth that prefer living within extended families, comprising relatives and people other than the parents ...
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2017. an economic criterion to measure any country's economy, and is widely used by economists to measure the slowdown, recovery and beyond, the Monetary capacity of .
National Center for Statistics & Information Body (En) NCSI was established according to Royal Decree (31/2012), which follows the Supreme Council for Planning
medical statistic's epidemiologic study methods ˘ ˝
Le SNDL vous permet l'accès à la documentation électronique nationale et internationale, très riche et très variée, couvrant tous les domaines de l'enseignement et de la recherche scientifique...
Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago, 4th July 2017. The Pan American Health Organization (PO) Virtual Campus for Public Health (VCPH) in collaboration with the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA), the Trinidad and Tobago Ministry of Health, the University of the West Indies – St Augustine Campus and the University of Trinidad and Tobago, is pleased to announce that plans are currently ...
IMES proudly congratulates Attiya mad, Associate Professor of Anthropology and International Affairs, for winning the 2018 Middle East Studies Association Fatima Mernissi Book Award. We are proud to announce that Dr. mad's book has also: Won the Association for...
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OPS apoyó al país como sede de la RedETSA. OPS participó en IV Foro Innova Salud de la CCSS. OPS y MS juramentaron comité asesor independiente para malaria
Foreign Investors can open account at The Group and Qatar Exchange by following the account opening procedure, Domestic investors are required to visit .
We are surely trust you are one of the important sources in the process of developing and improving the statistical and informational work in Oman.
Algerian Scientific Journals Platform developed by CERIST Batna. Seules les revues recensées, par la DGRSDT, et dont les responsables ont suivi une formation sur ASJP, peuvent être intégrées.